Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New Wallwisher

Okay, wallwisher is working again!! Your new topic is on

You must make at least 2 posts on the wall - one your own idea, one a response to somebody elses. The earlier you start writing, the more discussion that can be generated.

These need to be done by next Friday, November 26.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Rubric for Genocide Project

Hopefully, you have all looked at the rubric for this project. Since I have separated your marks differently this year, this project won't count as one project but will be split into two different bins, these being Unit II - National Interests and Skills Processes. The first two categories in your rubric will cover the information/knowledge part. This is out of 12 marks - 8 for the content and 4 for identifying the national interests. This will go into your Unit II bin. The rest of the assignment is out of 16 - 4 for links to nationalism, 4 for presentation, 4 for audiovisual effects and 4 for illiciting an emotional response. This will go into your Skills and Processes bin.

Remember, a lot of this course has to deal with skills and processes - this bin is worth a large chunk of your mark, so that is the section to work on and learn how to develop those skills.

In other news, as soon as I can get wallwisher working to change the question, I will do that and post the link here.